Alt text pass simple

Multi-platform GUI for pass, the standard unix password manager

The advantages of pass simple include the use of GPGME (native C++, seamless integration with Security cards) or rnp (realtime,multithreading and windows support), as well as support for YAML and Markdown.


Github and support:


Rnp & Security card integration

  • create a script that accept keyId as parameter.

    /usr/local/bin/gpg -d /outside/your/password-store/$1.gpg
  • chmod +x script name

  • Encrypt the /outside/your/password-store/$1.gpg where $1 as your keyId.
    with a content of your password.

  • Set Rnp pass std exec path in settings, to your script.


  • Markdown is CommonMark plus the GitHub extensions for tables and task lists (see

  • Inline Images are not supported

  • Links with relative path to other .pgp in the same password store are supported,

    link should not include the .pgp extension, for example

    # Header
    [ref to a/b file.pgp](<a/b file>)
    or <a/b file>


  • Since pass simple store totp in yaml, to read generated totp use

    gopass show fileName|yq '.["totp"]' | oathtool -b --totp -
  • text starts with - or # can not be YAML, and is considered standard text.

  • For YAML compatability with password in first line tools, it is possible to put a dummy null field.

    _: ~
    user: user1
    password: 12345

Fields type

  • textedit - supports
    • autotype of selected text
    • MarkDown read only view
  • texteditMasked
  • text
  • url
  • password
  • totp
  • datetime

Changing password

Autotype types the last saved value.

After duplicate current filed with an "OLD_" prefix ("OLD_password") in edit field type, remember to save. tree view

(Not git aware)

  • Add folder.

  • Delete selected.

  • Rename selected.

  • Move selected using drag and drop.

    move available only within the same .gpg authorization folder.

Case insensitive search

  • Default search is case-sensitive (using std::find). To make it case-insensitive, add an additional .* to the regex.

For example: .*WhatEver.*.* (beware of the std::regex bug in Linux gcc 14).