Windows specific

Windows runs natively with Rnpgp and gnupg backend. Backup your gnupg keys before converting from sqlite to kbx.

install software

  1. install gpg4win

    winget install gpg4win

  2. install chocolatey (via copy past into PowerShell)

  3. install gopass

    choco install gopass

  4. initialize gopass with gopass setup

  5. list keys, and inspect store location and key format.

    gpg --list-keys

  6. convert gpg4win sqlite to kbx using gpg-disable-keyboxd.

  7. use gopass to create and edit a test document.

  8. Run NSIS installer executable

    or manually Extract the deployed windows zip folder, and run pass-simple.exe from windows explorer. (application is not signed, so confirm security screen).

  9. Windows Os does not recognize dot initial as hidden, so at the root of the repository.

Get-ChildItem -Path . -Force -Filter ".*" | ForEach-Object { $_.Attributes = 'Hidden' }